Credit Management
Credit Management
Credit Repair
Credit Repair
1. The basic understanding of credit restoration
2.Full credit analysis of your entire credit report.
3.Phone interview regarding the credit analysis.
4. Prepare first round of removal letters,
5. Recommend products for rebuilding your credit.
Credit Rebuild $49/mth
Credit Rebuild $49/mth
1. Review updated credit reports through your credit monitoring account.
2. Review all updated documents sent to our company.
3. File complaints on your behalf to regulatory agencies if needed.
4. Educate you on the credit score improvement process by email.
5. Prepare second round of letters to collectors, creditors and credit bureau.
Credit Boost *contact us for price
Credit Boost *contact us for price
This process is the final step in the credit process once all debt is controlled and you want to maximize your score. This process can be discussed in further. The cost for this service varies and will be available on a case by case basis.
Building A Better Credit Report
Building A Better Credit Report
Consumer reporting companies sell the information in your report to creditors, insurers, employers, and other businesses with a legitimate need for it.
Choosing a Credit Counselor
Choosing a Credit Counselor
Reputable credit counseling organizations can advise you on managing money and debts, help you develop a budge and offer free educational materials and workshops.